The processionary caterpillar, the worst enemy of walks with your greyhound through the pine forests in spring

Spring arrives and with it the flora and fauna are reborn, the walks return until sunset, the plans away from home. But not everything is pretty in spring; there is a small rival that always comes out to bother in a group and that can harm your pet: the professional caterpillar. However, walks with your greyhound through the pine forests in spring will no longer be a problem if you pay close attention and know the most important guidelines to be able to defend your greyhound from professional caterpillars.

The pine forests in spring and the processionary caterpillar colonies

At this time of year, it is more than evident that caterpillars have wreaked havoc among various species of the animal world, of which dogs and cats stand out. Who would have thought that such a small thing could cause such a negative effect? And, above all, how does it harm our animals?

What harms my greyhound?

Beyond being a larva that will become a butterfly, the processionary caterpillar is covered with thousands of stinging hairs, with which it defends itself if it feels in danger. These hairs have a kind of hook to stay attached to the skin of the attacker (or the victim, in this case) and secrete a poisonous toxin (or Thaumatopin). Also, it is important to know that the caterpillar can shoot these stinging hairs, like a porcupine, and that they can reach your pet

Among the symptoms that your greyhound may have when infected with this toxin, are the following: hyperventilation; swollen nose, eyes or tongue (depending on the area); nervousness and tremors; and very marked pains; fever, tiredness and inflammation of the mucous membranes. These symptoms are truly serious, especially in areas as sensitive as the eyes (conjunctivitis) and the mouth. If, in addition, your greyhound eats the caterpillar, it will have stomach problems, accompanied by the symptoms already mentioned.

why do I see so many greyhounds on the street

What do I do if my greyhound is attacked?

I know, the symptoms are really terrible, but veterinarians have been fighting this type of poisoning for many years and they know very well the medical procedures so that your greyhound, in case of a bite, recovers in a short time. In addition, on these dates it is usually something very normal, so they are already prepared to attend to all the urgent calls that may arise.

But if I am walking with my dog and I notice that it is not feeling well, what should I do? The next.

1. Keep calm

I know that it is one of the most difficult steps, not only for the owner but for the greyhound, but it is important to keep your composure. We are talking about a time when the symptoms are already blooming and making themselves felt. However, the only one who can help your friend survive is you. So once calm and with your greyhound protected from danger, I would play the following.

2. Remove the stinging hairs from the body

Before calling a vet, the most important thing is to get rid of those pesky hairs (and the toxin they contain). For that you must be protected and have the necessary tools, which you can find at home.

Another piece of advice that can prevent the situation from getting worse is to prevent your dog from rubbing the inflamed areas or even sensitive areas so that they do not become infected. Then, it is important to clean:

  • If you are near an urbanization, do not hesitate to ask a neighbor for help. On the other hand, if you are close to home, go quickly and keep the following in mind: you should put on gloves and goggles to protect yourself from hair; take your dog where there is a hose or a shower; start washing it with hot water while you pass your dog a sponge or towel over the body very carefully; clean the inflamed areas (with hair) and those that still seem to be healthy.

3. Again avoid rubbing or making contact with sensitive areas

Even if you have already cleaned your greyhound, it is very likely that part of the hair is still embedded in certain areas. That is why it is important to make an effort so that he is calm and does not lick the infected and healthy parts. All this, clearly before and during the call to a veterinarian.

4. Call a vet

The rest of the detoxification and anesthetics should be left to a professional. Do not be afraid of not being attended to; As I said before, at this time of year events like this happen very often and the vets are aware of it. Surely your veterinarian will attend to you quickly and without impediments.

The walks with your greyhound through the pine forests in spring will be calm

After knowing the essential steps to protect your greyhound from poisoning, you can rest easy. If you follow these steps calmly and precisely, your dear friend will be safe. The walks with your greyhound through the pine forests in spring will continue to be a moment of tranquility and enjoyment.

Don't let a caterpillar drown your party!

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