The Blue Greyhound for Materia Rica: a very doggy jewelry collection

Today is a very exciting day at El Galgo Azul. Months of intense and passionate work pay off: We launch a new collection! 😀

And it is not just any collection. Thanks to the collaboration with Rich Matter, our love for greyhounds has become jewels. All of them unique and handmade, designed so that you can dress your love for greyhounds with great elegance.


One of the great advantages it has the illustration is that it exceeds its own frame and it can be applied to multiple formats: ceramics, accessories, clothing ... nothing can resist it! If to this you add that you are a bug that does not stop still, your mind can not stop looking for new products to work on.

The world of jewelry was an area in which I had always wanted to try El Galgo Azul and simply one day, without waiting for it, the opportunity appeared on our doorstep.

It all started in La Nostra Ciutat, one of our points of sale located in the center of Barcelona. A collection of different jewels caught our attention. It was made by Rich Matter and Inspired by Matisse, my favorite painter and inspiration behind the El Galgo Azul logo. That was the signal!

Heeding the call, we contacted Rich Matter to start a collaboration and the collection began to take shape with a few cafes in between. We tune in from the first meeting and when you are so lucky, the work becomes exciting and pieces like the ones in this collection emerge.

We were called to meet 🙂


Work with Rich Matter It has been a very enriching experience. Throughout the entire process we have exchanged hundreds of ideas, all of them seeking to innovate while respecting that artisan point that makes each piece unique.

The jewels arise from a series of meetings and exchanges in which the first sketches, technical and artistic corrections, size tests, small touch-ups and paint tests were made. After months of flowing ideas and intense work, the collection took shape and the first print run was produced, hand painted by El Galgo Azul and finished by Rich Matter.


The collection is made up of five pieces that convey key ideas of El Galgo Azul and that they spread acute galguitis on each of their sides. They are unique illustrated jewels that will give you an unsurpassed touch on any occasion.

  1. Earrings «Kisses on the cheek». Two greyhound faces, with all their most tender details like their cuddly cheeks, will not stop giving you kisses throughout the day.
  2. "Two better than one" necklace. Who has one, wants another, so this necklace represents one of our mottos "Two better than one".
  3. Necklace «Belly caresses». An articulated greyhound that folds and stretches showing its belly to receive a few strokes.
  4. Necklace «We love daisies». There is nothing like a good meadow where you can run free and enjoy a margarita in the middle of spring.
  5. Brooch «Dog Mom». A hug as a symbol of the love we feel for our furry ones. And it is that this collection could not miss a jewel dedicated to dog moms 🙂


If you've had a crush on seeing the collection, do like us and follow your instinctsFrom today you can buy the pieces that you like the most in our online store and you will have them in your hands from May 1 🙂

And remember, the pieces in the collection are exclusive and the units are limited!

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