Why do I see so many greyhounds on the street?

It is increasingly common to see dog moms and dads, showing off their greyhound on the street. And it seems that it has recently become one of the breeds that has become fashionable. Either because of their peaceful character, because of their good coexistence, how comfortable it is to live with them in an apartment, or a single-family home... greyhounds have always been one of the favorite breeds to accompany man. Well, since the time of the Egyptians, they were already companion animals for humans. But lately they seem to multiply. He February 1 is the day of the Greyhound, and that is why we want to answer the following question: Why do I see so many greyhounds on the street? Could it be that no one resists how well the little coats and raincoats look? Could it be that they transmit that calm and tranquility to the owners? Or are they simply easy to get?

Why do I see so many greyhounds on the street lately?

Broadly speaking, we can say that it is and is not a fashion. It goes a little further and that is what we are going to delve into in this article.

And it is that as it is evident, each greyhound tells its own story. But based on knowing a little more about what this breed has suffered, it seems that society is little by little more aware. And that is why he wants to adopt these little animals that life has treated so badly. In addition to the fact that many people, as in other areas of fashion, surely adopt a greyhound because they see it in the environment and feel that they have to belong to that circle.

Greyhounds are breeds that are always available for adoption

This is a reality, because when the hunting season ends, many greyhounds are abandoned by their owners, who only want them for hunting and then abandon them. These greyhounds are sometimes found and taken to shelters so that they can have a better life, but sometimes they are not so lucky.

Greyhounds are often found abandoned in poor conditions, because they have been educated through violence and threats. They are usually very scared and very afraid of people. Therefore, all the greyhounds that are abandoned after the end of the hunting season, they require a long period in a shelter in which they get used to living with animals and people, and in which they regain confidence in the people who have treated them so badly.

the day of the greyhound

Greyhounds are very domestic breeds

Despite how much greyhounds suffer, they can be retrained and tamed. Well, one of the main characteristics of their personality is how peaceful and calm they are.. Despite how scared they are and how skittish they become (with good reason), they are able to trust people again and be a domestic breed that lives perfectly in a house.

Although they need to go for a walk, and hit a run, they are dogs that need many hours of sleep, they are very calm and enjoy being asleep and lying down most of the day. So they are not problematic to live in any type of housing.

Why is Greyhound Day February 1?

The day of the greyhound is celebrated on February 1, because that is when the hunting season ends. So it is the moment in which the protectors are put into action to save and give a new life to the greyhounds abandoned by the galgueros. From October to January, the greyhounds are locked up and working on the hare hunt or in other tasks related to this area. And it is, therefore, from February, when they are abandoned or suffer a worse fate.

And if we ask ourselves again the question why do I see so many greyhounds on the street?

Be it for fashion, for conscience, for storytelling or knowingly the fact that the demand for greyhounds increases directly causes the suffering of greyhounds to decrease, so it can only bring good things. Greyhounds are an incredibly wonderful breed that deserve to enjoy a home like any other.

And thanks to the social networks, the protectors, the associations and the communication, the reality of greyhounds is known and shared. We have created social awareness and it makes together let's make this "fashion" a tool to create a better world for all greyhounds. Thanks from The Blue Greyhound to all of you who put a little doggy love in this world.

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